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GRC - Governance, Risk & Compliance

Business is facing ever-increasing demands from Investors and legislators to provide enhanced Corporate governance, risk management and regulatory compliance.

Based on real experience Crystallize Solutions are able to offer audit, security and compliance services to help evaluate, design and implement IT controls across your IT landscape.

Our Services include:

Implementation of SAP compliance tools for User access and provisioning:


Compliance Calibrator – For Segregation of Duties (SOD) monitoring and Testing


Firefighter – For complaint IS and Super user access


Access Enforcer – For User provisioning, including real-time SOD scanning and integrated workflow approval


Role Expert – for management of Security roles

Design and Implementation of process controls – continuous monitoring of process controls and real-time alert generation for violations

SAP security audits – SAP Logical access and SAP Change control process

Contact Us for more information Info@Cry-Sol.com



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Copyright © 2006 Crystalllize Consulting Ltd
Last modified: 04/19/10