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Accelerated SAP

SAP have developed there own methodology which can also be applied to non-SAP projects

Accelerated SAP (ASAP) is a roadmap and tool set setting:


The tasks required to perform a successful project


Who needs to do them


How to do them (with the help of many accelerators)

The ASAP methodology has been designed to align with both Prince2 & PMI methodologies and follows a roadmap as shown in the below diagram:

The Implementation Roadmap has five phases:

  1. Project Preparation – project formally initiated and planning well under way.

  2. Business Blueprint – project team gathers requirements and conducts conceptual design of the solution.

  3. Realization – system solution is built and integration tested, end users trained

  4. Final Preparation – final check before cut over to new system solution

  5. Go Live & Support – solution confirmation, on-going support in place and project closing



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Copyright © 2006 Crystalllize Consulting Ltd
Last modified: 04/19/10